Friday, October 12, 2012

Thunder Thighs

Since having Swen, my body looks totally different than it did before. I don't love it; I have thunder thighs. They aren't cute. But what is cute? Swen's thunder thighs! They are getting SO big. He is average weight for his age, but I think his thighs are a good 1/3 of his weight. They get stuck everywhere, in his pants, swing, johnny jump up, and Bumbo chair.  Here they are!

Some other things I wanter to remember about these days:

When he wakes up from naps, he looks so confused about life. He still has to be held while napping, and all of a sudden he will pop his head off my chest and be awake. His eyes get all big, and he turns his head around everywhere trying to figure out what's going on. Then he is really happy.

He is always happiest right when he wakes up. He giggles, talks, and kicks with joy.

Cutting his fingernails is the most annoying thing ever. They never get cut because when he sleeps, I want him to stay asleep!

Swen  gets super excited when he gets to go on walks in the front pack.

I'm still exhausted all the time, but it's totally worth it. Sometimes I feel guilty because I feel like I'm not working. I have been working since I was 12, starting with a paper route, then Round Table Pizza through high school, Macaroni Grill through college, and then teaching the last four years. My mom says this guilt is the most ridiculous thing she's ever heard. She consistently reminds me that I am working, that I am raising a baby, which is the most important job there is. I love being a stay-at-home mom. It is the best blessing I've ever had to be with Swen all day, and I plan on doing this job several more times. :)

Matt is adorable with Swen. He gets excited when he come up with new tricks that make Swen  happy or fall asleep. He can't wait til next summer when he can take him out rock climbing.

Swen loves to suck on his hands, and it's adorable. He can also now stand on his feet (with balance support) and hold all his body weight. He loves to do this and smiles as if to say, "I am such a big boy!"

I don't know why this picture turned out weird, but I'm too lazy to fix it. Look how proud he is!
 I love breastfeeding him more and more each day. It's all "love" when he he looks up and smiles at me. Does life get any better than this?

Swen cracks up giggling when my mom does "horsey" with him. I haven't been able to get laughs like that yet.

How grateful we are for Matt's and my parents. They are so helpful with anything we need. Swen loves them, and so do we.

Our life is simple and great. Here is more Swen in case you forgot when he looks like.

Bundled up at the dog park. I don't have a hat for him yet. Thanks Tia for the cute jammies!



  1. Super cute pictures! He's getting so big! ;)

  2. Can't believe he's already wearing those jammies, what a big boy! He is so adorable. Starting him rockclimbing early huh? lol.
