Friday, September 28, 2012

A Lot Can Happen in a Year

It was just about this time last year that we found out I was pregnant. Matt was just about to leave for work, so we got excited/panicked together and then he was off! I didn't mind him leaving too much actually because I knew my mom would be a better shopping partner for the first baby shopping trip! Matt didn't want to shop for a baby outfit yet because he thought I was getting ahead of myself. Pregnancy tests are very accurate, so I was more than ready to go find something small and cute! After calling my dad who was at work and my grandma, my mom and I went and got a few things that were cute and gender neutral. Everything that could work for a boy or girl was yellow with ducks. Perfect! We got some duck onesies, and a duck gown. My mom always loved the gowns, so I believed her that I would like them too. Sure enough, she was right! The gowns are the best for changing diapers at night, and they are so adorable. For some reason (I think it was the only size left) we got these clothes in 6 month size, so he is just now wearing them.  Here is Swen wearing the little duck gown we bought him a year ago! He is SO cute right?

When Matt got home from work, he saw the little outfits and almost caught up to my excitement. I guess I couldn't except him to scream every time I pulled an item of clothing out the bag like I did. Then we drove over to his parents' house and told them the news. Of course they were thrilled! Our parents knew better than we did at the time how much pure love and joy a baby would bring into our lives.

So here we are a year later with the most perfect little four-month boy ever.  We went to the doctor which I always love. She was proud again of how big he was! She is one of the few besides family who has seen him triple his weight. She also kept saying that his skin is beautiful, so I must be taking good care of it. This made me laugh because all I do is bathe him. He hates lotion, so I rarely ever lotion him.  Here are his stats as well as another picture:

14 pounds, 15 ounces- 53rd percentile
24 inches long- 18th percentile
16 inch head circumference- 20th percentile

This is such a fun stage because he still smiles all the time. He giggles and talks. My favorite is when he tries to make noises as loud as he can over and over again. He still loves his toys and his books. My favorite is when he grabs pages and it looks like he's actually reading them. Swen has yet to roll over all the way; he only makes it to his side. He might do better from tummy to back, but he doesn't ever want to be on his tummy, so he doesn't get too much practice with that. I know I should be better about this whole "tummy time" thing, but I really don't like it when he's sad. All kids learn to roll over right? So why force him? One crazy thing happened this week. He took a nap by himself! It lasted about 30 minutes before he asked to be picked up, but in 30 minutes I was finally able to put all his baby pictures in an album. Then I snuggled and rocked him for the rest of his nap.

Napping ALONE!

A year ago I was working full time teaching kindergarten. Now I am working full time taking care of Swen, which is the best job ever by the way. Swen has gone from being in my tummy, and I have what feels like a whole new life. Poor Matt is still doing the same daily things, going to school and work. Except now he comes home to his perfect baby instead of just me. :)

Oh and if you were wondering Swen still HATES his carseat.

I love him.

Already teaching Swen how to play iphone games.
Does Swen want to be put down while I make cookies? Of course not. He likes to help. I also didn't know that his frontpack reflected until I saw this picture; how fancy.


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